Import Management

You need to keep track of your import activity to stay compliant. Optimize and automate your import trade operations by:

  • Reducing your regulatory exposure and risk

  • Avoiding unnecessary costs

  • Preventing customs delays

Key Challenges

  • Improper classification - Inaccurate HS code assignments can cause discrepancies, incorrect duty payments and noncompliance

  • Changing regulations - Compliance issues slow down customs clearance and final delivery of your shipments

  • Inaccurate landed costs - Incorrect supply chain costs including insurance, duties and taxes affect your company’s profitability

  • Excessive broker fees - Customs brokers’ service fees can add up if you don’t take advantage of electronic self-filing options


  • Admissibility requirements
  • QAD’s solution checks commodity codes against a requirements database to proactively address import issues. Alerts help provide your organization with advanced visibility to all admissibility requirements.
  • Supplier screening
  • Automatically screen suppliers and all parties within the supply chain to mitigate your company’s regulatory exposure, penalties and fines and potential damage to your reputation.

  • AI-assisted product classification
  • Leverage machine learning to analyze data with previously classified products to boost classification accuracy and avoid incorrect duty payments.
  • Recordkeeping and self-governance
  • Post-entry record retention allows you to archive all documentation in accordance with regulations. You can track performance metrics and run analytics on all import activities, including vendor metrics.

Enhance Your Product Classification Efforts with Artificial Intelligence

Accelerate the Classification process, improve accuracy and maintain compliance with QAD.

Further Information

Where Companies Struggle with Product Classification

Understanding Import Management

Import Management: The Importance of Correct Classification


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