QAD Enterprise Platform

Manufacturers that want to grow through unprecedented change need adaptive solutions fit for today and tomorrow that include:

  • Rapid app development for creating and deploying cloud applications quickly and easily using out-of-the-box tools and services.
  • Consistent user experience across all apps to leverage the full capabilities whether they are core or extended by your team
  • Reduced complexity and risk around data by eliminating the need for spreadsheets and fragile integrations with home-grown point solutions
  • Improved agility that reduces long-term rigidity, allowing for future enhancements and upgrades without complications.

Key Challenges

  • Keeping pace with technology: The rapid evolution of advanced technologies means incumbent and new competitors are always working on unlocking new capabilities and efficiencies

  • Balancing specialization and rigidity: Empowering users without adding to system rigidity or impairing future upgrades can be challenging

  • Ensuring performance and reliability: Running mission-critical applications at scale is only getting harder in a competitive labor market that has come to expect remote and hybrid work

  • Managing application lifecycle: handling application development, deployment, management, and promotion across different systems involves in-depth software management that isn’t a core competency of most manufacturers


  • Rapid Personalization
  • Allow users to self-service modify screens with a simple point-and-click interface, enabling a streamlined experience for roles and individuals
  • Embedded Analytics
  • Empower users to modify prepacked KPIs and quickly create their own, generate custom alerts, and access actionable insights for real-time decision-making

  • Easy Extensibility
  • Enable upgrade-proof changes to existing functions without rewriting the entire app
  • Robust New Apps
  • Leverage powerful and unintrusive tools that ensure data consistency, reduce complexity, and enable unique capabilities without adding system rigidity

Huge ROI in little time

After a two-month development cycle, Noble achieved benefits in reduced operational costs, increased user productivity, and improved organizational visibility.

IMRIS improved a process time by 37% with the QAD Enterprise Platform

“The platform is much more flexible. It’s much easier to create screens or to add fields and attach logic.”

Further Information

Introducing the QAD Enterprise Platform

Access the QAD Enterprise Platform’s Developer Portal

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